Hallow thoughts
I am so delighted to be here today!
Life is full of life is it not?
The beautiful trees-Beaming smile of the sun.
it is not what you think about is it.
Could it be that you prefer to think on other things, and give it more attention.
When you dwell on your thoughts -
Ask yourself - Are you in the house of Hell or Heaven on earth?
Where would you rather be?
Multiple thoughts on the same thing gives you the same thing.
Einstein knew this very well.
Love ones....You have radiant smiles yet no one hardly sees. It is the energy from within that beams it out.
With your energy- You have the power to choose your thoughts, actions, deeds and words..
Everything that runs the car of life is energy.
As the driver, Be wholly -Being whole in the light is stronger than anything.
Wouldn't you rather be in the bright light than tormented in darkness over and over.
It would be like driving in circles over and over - you would get sick keeping up that practice.
I am here to help. You just have to ask!
Your brother, AA Uriel